A Prayer for Those Leading While Grieving

Good morning, WomanPreach! Fam.

My name is Jené Colvin and I’m the Director of Programs for WomanPreach! Inc.

I just wanted to share a quick note, as we’ve been a little quiet about the recent losses of mighty Christian Womanist Scholars and sound men who supported mighty women. Perhaps to some, noticeably so.

When we lose anyone, there are varying degrees of closeness to the center of the loss. For some of us, the loss is meaningful because our learning, thinking, being and ministry were shaped by their work. For some, they lost a mentor, a family member, a friend, and a colleague. And that loss is profound.

So, in the middle of a busy conference weekend, the rest of life continuing to life it right on up, and trying to make it while grieving the WomanPreach! Inc. team and board needs a few more days before a more specific and loving note is shared. I hope that all of you who are grieving (publicly and privately) are being care for while still having so much expected of you.

For those of you preaching and teaching today, may a holy clarity and deep love for the people and God strengthen you. For those of you who are serving or present today, either in church or in your communities, may you feel a deep sense of reciprocity and know the impact of your service and presence reaches far beyond the moments, today. And for those of you resting today, may your body get all it needs and your mind be at peace with with the week behind and the week ahead (even if just for a moment).

May their memories be a blessing and spirits guide us.

Min. Jené A. Colvin

Min. Jené A. Colvin is the COO-CFO and Director of Programs for WomanPreach! Inc.


Leaders worth following. Sisters worth loving.


Redemption of a Love Affair Turned Sour