rev. Valerie Bridgeman, Ph.D

Founder and CEO

The Rev. Valerie Bridgeman, Ph.D. is the founder, president, and CEO of WomanPreach! Inc. She is the Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs at the Methodist Theological School in Ohio after serving one year as Interim Dean. She also is Associate Professor of Homiletics and Hebrew Bible since 2015, after having served as Visiting Professor for a year and a half. She is an alumna of Austin Presbyterian Seminary (MDiv), and received their Distinguished Alumna Award in 2018. She holds a Doctorate of Philosophy in Biblical Studies, with a concentration in Hebrew Bible, from Baylor University.

Dr. Bridgeman has taught preaching/homiletics, liturgy, and Biblical Studies for over twenty years. Licensed in 1977 and ordained in 1985, she is a dedicated preacher, Biblical scholar, visionary, and artist. Her experience includes decades of preaching, pastoring, leading workshops, mentoring, writing, and creating art that has inspired generations of clergy, community leaders, and artists.